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  • SupportWeb.UDAQuotePreparation(Last) -- Owiki? , 2016-08-19 14:59:38 Edit owiki 2016-08-19 14:59:38

    Preparing for a UDA Quote

    Be prepared to answer the questions that pertain to your driver format and licensing model.

    Enterprise Edition (Multi-Tier) Drivers

    Workstation Model

    • How many Workstations exist in this architecture?
    • Which client type(s) do you need: ODBC, JDBC, OLE DB, ADO.NET?
    • How many logical processors exist in the environment where the Multi-Tier server components will be installed?
    • What operating system is hosting the Multi-Tier server components?
    • What client operating systems appear in this architecture?
    • What is the maximum number of concurrent connections (database sessions) spawned at one time?

    Application Server Model

    • Which client type(s) do you need: ODBC, JDBC, OLE DB, ADO.NET?
    • How many logical processors exist in the environment where the Multi-Tier server components will be installed?
    • What operating system is hosting the Multi-Tier server components?
    • What Workstation operating systems appear in this architecture?
    • What is the maximum number of concurrent connections (database sessions) spawned at one time?

    Express and Lite Edition (Single-Tier) Drivers

    Workstation Model

    • How many Workstations exist in this architecture?
    • Which client type(s) do you need: ODBC, JDBC, OLE DB, ADO.NET?
    • How many logical processors exist on the clients where the driver(s) will be installed?
    • On what operating system or operating systems will the Single-Tier drivers be deployed?
    • What is the maximum number of concurrent connections (database sessions) spawned at one time?

    Application Server Model

    • Which client type(s) do you need: ODBC, JDBC, OLE DB, ADO.NET?
    • How many logical processors exist on the clients where the driver(s) will be installed?
    • On what operating system or operating systems will the Single-Tier drivers be deployed?
    • What is the maximum number of concurrent connections (database sessions) spawned at one time?

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